Banjosa Lake: Your Guide to the Best Things to Do, See, and Eat

Banjosa Lake is a man-made lake located inside the Neelum Valley of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. It’s situated at an altitude of 6, three hundred toes (1,920 meters) and is surrounded by way of lush pine forests and snow-capped mountains. The lake is a popular vacation destination for boating, picnicking, fishing, and birdwatching.

History Of Banjosa Lake

Banjosa Lake was created in 1913 by way of the British colonial authorities as a reservoir for ingesting water and irrigation. The lake became named after the Banjosa tribe, which is one of the oldest tribes in Azad Kashmir.

Geography Of Banjosa Lake

Banjosa Pond is about 1.5 kilometers long and 0.5 kilometers wide. The lake is fed by several streams and rivers, and its waters are crystal clean. The lake is surrounded by dense pine forests, which provide a habitat for a selection of flora and fauna.

Banjosa Lake Weather

Banjosa Lake has a nice weather yr-spherical. The summers are moderate, with common temperatures ranging from sixteen°C to twenty-five°C (61°F to seventy seven°F). The winters are bloodless, with common temperatures starting from -5°C to 5°C (23°F to forty one°F). The lake freezes overall through the wintry weather months, and visitors can experience ice skating and different wintry weather activities.

Things to do

Boating is one of the most famous activities at Banjosa Pond. visitors can hire rowboats, paddleboats, and motorboats to discover the Pond and its surroundings. Picnicking is another popular pastime at Banjosa Pond. There are numerous unique picnic areas around the lake, where visitors can relax and experience the surroundings.

Fishing is likewise a popular activity at Banjosa Pond. The lake is domestic to a selection of fish, such as trout, carp, and catfish. visitors should buy fishing permits from nearby stores.

Birdwatching is another famous activity at Banjosa Lake. The lake and its environment are home to an expansion of hen species, inclusive of kingfishers, woodpeckers, and pheasants.

in addition to these sports, visitors to Banjosa Lake can also experience trekking, trekking, and camping. There are several trekking trails in the location, which provide stunning perspectives of the lake and the encircling mountains.

Special Foods

There are some restaurants and cafes placed near Banjosa Lake, wherein visitors can enjoy a ramification of neighborhood and global cuisine. some of the maximum popular dishes consist of:

  • Kashmiri pulao: A traditional Kashmiri rice dish made with meat, veggies, and spices.
  • Kebabs: Grilled meat skewers made with lamb, chicken, or pork.
  • Naan: A flatbread crafted from wheat flour and cooked in a tandoor oven.
  • Chai: A sweet tea made with milk and spices.

Hotels Near Banjosa Lake

There are some accommodations and guesthouses located near Banjosa Lake, where traffic can live in a single day. a number of the most famous inns include:

  • Banjosa Lake Hotel: A luxury motel located at the shorelines of the lake.
  • Pine Park resort: A mid-range lodge placed close to the lake.
  • Banjosa Lake guest residence: A budget-friendly guesthouse placed near the lake.

Other attractions

Further to Banjosa Lake, there are some different points of interest placed in the Neelum Valley. A number of the maximum famous sights encompass:

  • Neelum River: A beautiful river that flows via the Neelum Valley. visitors can enjoy rafting, kayaking, and fishing at the river.
  • Kutton: A small village placed inside the Neelum Valley. The village is known for its traditional Kashmiri architecture and its stunning surroundings.
  • Kieran: A town located in the quiet of the Neelum Valley. The town is known for its stunning views of the Himalayas and its proximity to the line of manipulation (LoC), which divides Azad Kashmir from Indian-administered Kashmir.

How to get to Banjosa Lake

The closest airport to Banjosa Pond is the Rawalpindi Worldwide Airport, which is positioned about 160 kilometers from the pond. Site visitors can journey from the airport to Banjosa Pond by using a bus or taxi. The journey takes about 3-4 hours.


Is Banjosa Lake a safe place to visit?

Yes, Banjosa Pond is a safe place to visit. The local government has taken a number of steps to ensure the safety of visitors,


[ Muazzan Mughal ] Tech Enthusiast | Educator | Freelance Writer 🖊️ Tech enthusiast, educator, and freelance writer. Exploring tech trends, education insights, and modern lifestyles. Join me on this journey of discovery!

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